Discover Islam

What is Islam?

A man in traditional Islamic attire holds a Quran in a focused prayer session indoors.

Islam is a complete way of life that means submitting to the will of Allah. Derived from the Arabic word “Islam,” it embodies peace, purity, and obedience.

At its core, Islam is about surrendering to Allah’s guidance, as He created us for worship. The Qur’an reminds us:

“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.”
Qur’an 51:56

This submission isn’t just an abstract concept—it’s reflected in every action. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught that Islam is built on five pillars:

  1. Shahada: Declaring there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.
  2. Salah: Establishing a direct connection with Allah through regular prayer.
  3. Zakat: Purifying wealth by giving to those in need.
  4. Sawm: Fasting during Ramadan to cultivate self-discipline and empathy.
  5. Hajj: Making the pilgrimage to Mecca, a journey of faith and unity for those who can.

Furthermore, Islam is a continuation of the monotheistic tradition brought by earlier prophets like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, with the Qur’an declaring:

“Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.”
Qur’an 3:19

Central to Islam is the belief in the oneness of Allah, as beautifully summarized in the Qur’an:

“Say, ‘He is Allah, [who is] One…'”
Qur’an 112:1

In essence, Islam offers a path to inner peace and harmony by aligning our lives with divine guidance.

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